Just wanted to write a quick post since it’s been a while and thought I’d say hello. Also I’m in a bad mood and don’t feel like heading back to set right now. Reason being the title of this post.
I’m sorry if I am about to offend any readers but I have to say this:
Stunt people are a bunch of whacko meatheads on steroids. Or at least the guy on my set this week is.
I won’t go as far as to say all of them are but a lot of them are. Some are really great and take the time to consider all aspects of a scene and don’t boss the entire crew around as if they own the place.
But on the set I’m on right now I do happen to have a whacko meathead who farts a lot (and loudly) who thinks he can boss the director, 1st AD, Continuity, lighting and camera, wardrobe and makeup, and last but not least, the art department.
He’s the type of guy who is not only full of rage but incites rage in others. I want to bash him in the face. I won’t for obvious reasons but if someone bigger than me punches him or he mysteriously trips I will not feel bad.
Yesterday he tried telling me that he was putting in an extra fight scene that production had cut where he was supposed to jump on a picture vehicle and then onto the actor. I, of course, had to be the one to tell him no because of the car issue. On some sets I’d think nothing of them hopping onto a car and damaging it but on this shoot, I, nor production, can afford at this point to tow a junk car here for them to damage. The dumb stunt coordinator tells me to just rent a car from Enterprise or elsewhere even though they were going to damage the shit out the vehicle. Anyhow long story short he freaked out on me and now today he’s still being a nut and almost killed the actor and one of the stunt guys twice. He needs to be fired.
UPDATE: Production just fired him! I guess writing a blog post about this helped? There is justice in the world. Maybe now we can bring in a smart and qualified non-coke addict.
The ending to this day just became infinitely better. Hope your day was less dramatic than mine but just as hilarious.
Rose XO.